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Agricultural Revolution in Britain

(mid 17th to late 19th CE)

Due to an increase in labor and land productivity Britain saw an unprecedented rise in food cultivation. Continuous new innovations in machines and agriculture led to more efficient methods of farming. Backed by laws, this were to change the scene of agriculture in the world forever.



In the early 1700s, three-fourths of England's population lived in the country. No one "owned" the land; it was held in common, or shared. The Enclosure movement began in the beginning of 1500s, by which wealthy individuals, often aristocrats, petitioned the Parliament in London to grant them exclusive title (ownership) to land previously held in common, that is, land with no specific owner.


This movement gained momentum after 1760s to 1850s. After title to the land was granted, the new owners typically built fences around their property and started grazing sheep, which generated a steady supply of wool for England's textile (cloth) manufacturers.

The enclosure movement



​"Origins of the Industrial Revolution ." Industrial Revolution Reference Library. . Retrieved October 16, 2020 from 


​McLean, J. (n.d.). History of Western Civilization II. Retrieved October 18, 2020, from

Saikia, S. (2020). Discovery of the "New World". Lecture.


Wrigley and Schofield, "The Population History of England, 1541–1871. A reconstruction.", Harvard University Press, 1981, Table 7.8, pgs. 208-9


Sources for pictures






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