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The New World


       As Europe emerged from the turmoil of interstate wars, it saw rise in population and immense competition in markets. Ideas of scientific enquiry and empiricism started to gain ground and there was an urge to figure out how the Earth works. Moreover, in the 15th century, the Ottoman empire held strong in the territories held by the Roman empire. Hence, the European powers were in a hassle to reach new lands and resources where there wouldn’t be a threat from the Ottoman empire... 


This urge would eventually lead to the “discovery of the new world”, by Christopher Columbus in 1492. The new world, or the Americas, would lead to unprecedented expansion of trade, commerce and sources of raw materials. European powers got into the new land with the motive of trade and profits.

Christopher Columbus



"Origins of the Industrial Revolution ." Industrial Revolution Reference Library. . Retrieved October 16, 2020 from 


Saikia, S. (2020). Discovery of the "New World". Lecture.




Sources for pictures







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